The Body Positivity Movement is going in the Wrong Direction

Right now, they are seeing a good message go bad.

Haylee Griffith
The Pink
Published in
4 min readJan 25, 2021


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Social media is becoming a huge factor in causing self-confidence and body image issues recently, making it a perfect breeding ground for young girls to fall into the trap of what society thinks a “perfect body” should look like.

The unrealistic message social media sends

With the usage of Face tune and many other body-altering apps, it is no secret that the media engraves young minds into thinking skinny means beautiful.

People have known for years that celebrities and many influencers alter their photos on Instagram and other social media platforms in order to look slimmer and flawless when that is not the reality.

This message is shaping society into thinking unrealistic standards are okay. In effect, this makes people think bigger bodies should not be celebrated or that they are not beautiful since they are not widely represented on social media.

The original purpose of the movement

Kendra Cherry with Verywellmind explains, “The body positivity movement in its current form began to emerge around 2012, initially focusing on challenging unrealistic…



Haylee Griffith
The Pink

18 years old, 4X winner- Best of State Student Journalist — I like cats and spend too much time on TikTok, Contact: